Scientists Creating Legit Hangover Cure

A UCLA-led team's 'pill' mimics action of human liver in fighting alcohol intoxication The folks over at Vice media have uncovered some brilliant research about a hangover fighting pill concept:…

Can Yoga Poses Really Cure Hangovers?

The friendly crew over at have a new slideshow up showing 12 different yoga poses that can help you with that terrible morning hangover: We all know that waking…

Why You Might Be Allergic To Alcohol

A great article in the Huffington post about how what we may have beleived to be hangover symptoms from drinking to much alcohol, might actually be symptoms of allergies: It's…

Getting Rid of a Hangover

So you got yourself plastered silly last night. (Again?!) So now you wake up a big mess, with your mouth dry, feeling disoriented, a pounding headache, twitchy nerves, and an…