Do IV Drips For Hangovers Work?

Hangover cure IV drips are cropping up all over the US (and abroad) with the promise of taking away the pain from your night of drinking. It’s a radical approach…

5 Best Ways to Cure a Hangover

A night of drinking is all fun and games until the morning after. You wake up with a splitting headache, and the last thing you want to do is go…

Is Pineapple Juice Good For Hangovers?

Ever wondered whether pineapple juice is good for hangovers? Well, you're not alone. Reaching for a nutritious fruit juice is the first point of call for many of us when…

Does Drinking Olive Oil Prevent Hangovers?

Heard that drinking olive oil before alcohol prevents hangovers? Not sure if it's true or not. Well, you're not alone. With so many hangover prevention myths floating around, it's hard…

Is Pear Juice A Hangover Cure?

Is Pear juice a hangover cure? If you've landed on this article, chances are you've heard that pear juice is good for hangovers. However, you're not sure whether it's true…

Does Lemon Juice Help Hangovers?

Lemon juice is all the rage these days. It's said to be good for gut and skin as well as several other health benefits. How about for hangovers? Does lemon…

Does Milk Help Hangovers?

Does milk help hangovers? If you've landed on this page, chances are you've had a few too many at happy hour and are hoping that milk is going to help…

Does Coffee Help Hangovers?

Does coffee help hangovers? If you've landed on this page, chances are you've always heard that coffee helps hangovers but need some more convincing. Well, you're not wrong to think…

Wet Socks Hangover Cure: Does It Work?

Will wet socks cure a hangover? It's actually a surprisingly common question as many around the world believe it's the cure for ailments such as the common cold. With so…