Sauna For a Hangover – Does it Help?

Saunas are a popular hangover remedy used by many to flush out the toxins produced after drinking alcohol. “Sweating out a hangover” is a common tactic used by many to…

Will Taking a Shower Help a Hangover?

Taking a showing to help recover from your hangover is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Let's face it, you may need it after dancing for hours the…

Best Tea For Your Hangover

If you're looking for the best tea to cure your hangover, you've landed on the right page. There are teas that have science-backed active ingredients that can help reduce your…

Best Drink for No Hangover

You've probably heard of some alcoholic drinks that give no hangover. Some people say it's tequila and others say it's gin. But is there any truth to it? If you…